Spiritual Text and Studies


3HO Foundation

Sat Nam. Welcome to 3HO, the global Kundalini Yoga (as taught by Yogi Bhajan) community!

3HO—the Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization—is comprised of people dedicated to living a life that uplifts and inspires.

Founded in 1969, 3HO has become a vibrant, dynamic community of leaders, teachers, students, and seekers of various faiths, persuasions, and cultures practicing the time-proven technology of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation as taught by Yogi Bhajan®, grounded and centered in a philosophy of compassion and kindness.


Reprint of Yogi Bhajan Lectures

The purpose of life is to watch and experience living. To enjoy living, every moment of it. And to live in environments which are calm, quiet, slow, sophisticated, elegant. Just to be. Whether you are naked or you have a golden robe on you, that doesn’t make any difference. The ideal purpose of your life is that you are grateful – great and full – that you are alive, and you enjoy it. ”

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Ananda Ashram, Reprint of Bramananda Lectures

Ashram Founder Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati, also known as Ramamurti S. Mishra, M.D., was a highly respected spiritual teacher for countless students and devotees from all walks of life. A prolific author on the science and philosophy of Yoga-Vedanta, he combined the universal message of these teachings with his deep knowledge of both Eastern and Western medicine and psychology. His areas of specialty ranged from Ayurveda to modern psychiatry and neurosurgery.


The Zen Studies

The Zen Studies Society is a Buddhist community dedicated to realizing and actualizing our true nature. Cultivating an atmosphere of respect, harmony, deep insight, and boundless compassion, we offer the simple yet profound teachings and practice of Zen Buddhism at our mountain monastery and our city temple under the auspices of ZSS. The Zen Studies Society was established in 1956 to support the Buddhist scholar D.T. Suzuki in his efforts to introduce Zen to the West, and is one of the oldest Zen Buddhist organizations in the United States.


Kaivalyadham Yoga Institute

Established in 1951 by Swami Kuvalyananda the Gordhandas Seksaria College of Yoga & Cultural Synthesis is an institute for the training of Yoga instructors. In fact, it has built a high international reputation for excellence, and students enrol from all parts of India and the world for yoga training. But the College’s excellence is not just for training people as Yoga instructors. Substantial activities are also undertaken with the military, police and medical professionals, business executives and, not least, school teachers.



NAMARUPACategories of Indian Thought, is a new journal that conveys the vast scope of sacred philosophical thought that has emanated from the land and people of India over many millennia.

During the past few hundred years, these inspiring and soul elevating ideas have been wending their way west, through returning visitors as well as migrating Indian adepts and practitioners, who have journeyed far across the world.

NAMARUPA is published by NAMARUPA Inc. a non-profit organization, independent and not affiliated with any other entity. NAMARUPA is funded by subscription, advertising and donations. At this time the contributors have kindly offered their work free of remuneration. All editorial and production assistance is voluntary. Publishers: Robert Moses and Eddie Stern. Advisor: Dr. Robert E. Svoboda